Depuis 2010
Collection de 37 spectacles arts/sciences
Mise en scène et interprétation : Daniel Blanchard, Sandrine Lanno, Thibault Rossigneux, Paola Secret, Florian Sitbon, Emilie Vandenameele / Création musicale : Christophe Ruetsch et Jules Poucet / Direction technique : Jules Poucet / Vidéo : Romain Kosellek et Ugo Mechri
de Julie Ménard et Thibault Rossigneux
Création 2018 dans le cadre du Festival de Caves
Spectacle musical
Mise en scène Thibault Rossigneux / Avec Charly Marty
de Julie Ménard et Thibault Rossigneux
Création oct. 2019 / Spectacle arts/sciences jeune public
Mise en scène et scénographie : Thibault Rossigneux / Avec : Daphné de Quatrebarbes et Gautier Boxebeld / Scénographie et lumières : Xavier Hollebecq / Direction technique et musique originale : Jules Poucet / Costumes : Louise Yribarren
d'Elizabeth Mazev et Thibault Rossigneux
Créations 2013, 2014 et 2016 / 3 saisons - 9 épisodes
Mises en scène Emilie Vandenameele, Pauline Bureau, Sandrine Lanno, Marion Guerrero, Alexandra Tobelaïm, Hélène François et Elizabeth Mazev / Avec : Thibault Rossigneux et Elizabeth Mazeven alternance avec Daphné de Quatrebarbes / Technique : Thibault Lecaillon

La compagnie les sens des mots & Thibault Rossigneux
les sens des mots means « the meaning of words ».
As this name might suggest, we enjoy working on beautiful texts, especially with contemporary authors and new wirtings. We also insist on mixing disciplines. We want our work and theatre to be open-minded and not self-centered. We target a large and diverse audience.
Therefore, we work in collaboration with directors, singers, dancers, choreographers, musicians, actors, videasts, scientists... For example : La nuit des images or Green Trip 2109 created in Paris for the Nuit blanche, or Rouge ou Bleu selon l’intensité, Seul en scène à trois, with the actor Gwenaëlle Simon created in Cesson-Sévigné.
We made theatre and medicine meet by presenting Un trait de l’esprit, a Margaret Edson’s play to a medic and paramedic audience.
Afterwards Thibault Rossigneux, the company’s artistic director, imagined binôme in 2010. So far, 42 binômes have been created.
In january & february 2014, he directed Corps Etrangers, a Stephanie Marchais’ play in le Théâtre de la Tempête in Paris ; in 2016 he directed Une famille aimante mérite de faire un vrai repas, a Julie Aminthe’s play at the Monfort-Théâtre in Paris ; in 2017 he directed Extrêmophile, an Alexandra Badea’s play at the TnBA in Bordeaux.
With Elizabeth Mazev, he writes and interprets Réduit, a saga about neighbourhood.
He also directed Parking Song, a play Sonia Chiambretto wrote after she met Arthur Leblois, researcher in Paris Descartes University.
In partnership with theatres and public institutions, the compagny works a lot with amateur artists (Creil, Nanterre and Bolandoz) and create shows : VaniT.V Idole mode d’emploi, TOAST, TAF la comédie laborieuse, TOD la mortelle comédie, l'Origine du Monde et autres clichés, A table !...
In 2018, he co-wrote with Julie Ménard and directed Les garçons ne pleurent pas, a musical one man show about the difference between men and women.
Thibault Rossigneux is actually working on his next creation : his first young public play, which will be written with the author Julie Ménard. Je suis vert ! will be around the thematic of environment and will be the result of the collaboration with a researcher in ecology.
The team

Emmanuelle Germon
Production / Education / International
+33 (0)6 58 42 63 20